My Sense

Thanks for coming by and reading my blog. I say it like it is and I don't beat around the bush. I give it to you straight. Ask questions, that's fine. Otherwise Have a Great Day

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

I lost a friend and I miss your face;

I miss you Kyle. More than I think you'll understand. 6-25-83 to 7-19-11; only 28. Far to young.

I know you have plans God, but I would love my friend back. We all would. I know its not possible, but at least i know his a guardian angel now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's that time again...

Do you ever sit and stare at your computer? Wonder where in the hell your keys are? Trying to figure out which asshole stole your coffee?

Me neither. I am just at that point again in the night where the meds have kicked in and my brain has kicked out of quiet mode and into speedtrack WWF on acid.

I am so freaking tired. I wish there was an off button to my brain that would allow me to get the proper amount of sleep. Instead, I'm up late, watching television trying my best to get my brain to slip into a stupor so that I can sleep.

But first, I must watch an episode of MisFits to find out what in the hell is so special about it.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up