My Sense

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Abject Loser

I sure feel like one, that's for sure. No one reads my blog or follows it or comments, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to sit here like some whiny loser and complain about how no on reads my blog.

In a way, it's slightly comforting because no one is just sitting on their computers judging me based on my ramblings and stupidity.

I try to get my words out the best I can, while also understanding that anything I put on the internet is fair game. I get that. . .
What I don't get is how I can go onto some of the others in the blogosphere and they have hundreds of followers, and their blogs are kind of scary. . .
I have to give it up to this one dude in asia because he's a really ninja of a guy!

He post pictures about random crap that happens to him, all in ninja pose.

And I just realized, I have been using commas wrong!

Who would figure after all of the school work I've done on commas and the slash bleeding teachers did to my papers that I would forget the basic rules of commas. Tsk Tsk

I am going to try and go back and fix them but it is 2;22 IN THE MORNING!!! I def need some sleep.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

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