My Sense

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

DAMN I win!!!

So, When you want to have the perfect school schedule and you get screwed over it ruins your day or week or whatever...

Then you hunt at 11pm and find that someone cancelled their spot in the course that you wanted from the beginning.

You jump on it! Hells yeah you got it.

So, MY question to you is: why couldn't you have avoided the class in the first place. I understand you wanted it too, and that's perfectly fine. But, Why couldn't we have figured this out sooner, I just about had a heartshattering moment when that class closed on me WHILE I WAS MAKING MY SCHEDULE!!! grr face is about how i felt about that.

Thank you for leaving the class, you are the reason that I might make it into med school with a little extra UMPH!

Have a wonderful freaking day world!!!

Good Night and Stay Strong and Speak Up

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