My Sense

Thanks for coming by and reading my blog. I say it like it is and I don't beat around the bush. I give it to you straight. Ask questions, that's fine. Otherwise Have a Great Day

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Tests

So, my tests came back normal,
No IC,
No Cancer,
No legions.
This is great news but now i'm looking into something that i withheld from the doc.
I know this is very wrong thing to do. It's like freaking patient 101, never ever withhold information that could help bring about a prognosis.

Simple Partial Seizures, It's freakin the shit outta me. And when I brought it up with someone they told me that it was nothing. I shrugged of the mysterious feelings and misgivings I had but didn't think more into it...

But, when you are about to be wheeled into a surgery and going under anesthesia you tend to wish nothing would be abnormal... I got hit with the weird deja vu feeling again. Of course, be me, I started to panic but pushed it to the back of my mind. and then last night I did some research on the topic because of my feelings that I needed to do something about it.

I got severely reprimanded by the nurse.

I will never withhold information ever again.
Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Thursday, July 29, 2010

That Burns!

So I went in for a cysto hydrodistension today. Let me tell you, it wasn't fun.

I don't have  IC thank freakin' God. I wouldn't want to go through these every six months.

I get home and I'm sitting here in front of my computer and huge ass bug is crawling on my wall. Needless to say, he got smashed with a heavy book. Way to ruin my already sucky day bug.

Anyway, that's it, I'm tired.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Short and Sweet

EFF you touchpad on my laptop!!!

I hate you. That's the one thing that I can't stand about Acer Aspires!

If there is anything you want to fix Acer, I would start with the touchpad!

just saying.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

You Thought That Was Santa?

No way! It's Howie Mandel. I'm watching the biography at,, and it's very insightful because we watch our favorite actor or comedian or drama daytime and we never learn what's behind the face. This particular piece delves in and it's interesting to see how he deals with his OCD and it makes you realize that your own problems are manageable, too. He was also on Comic's Unleased, Episode 2, with Harland Williams, John Lovitz, and Kim Coles. Funny Funny Funny.

Well, it was a tame post, but today hasn't been an enraging day... I got lost on the way to a doctor's appointment, and when you have an Anxiety and Panic Disorder, it's hard to deal with even the smallest doses of anxiety. It because a whirlpool of panic. After calling my mother in tears, she called the place and sat on the phone with me. Now note, I called them twice and I never got a straight answer, but apparently my mother sounded more forceful. I'm grown for Godsakes! I should be able to handle this stuff. Oh, I'm making her go with me to my proceedures for this doc. I said, "I'm not going to get lost again." "How will you do that?" She asks. I said, "Because you're going with!" I smiled at the phone like she could see it... She consented, Thank GOD!!!

Oh well, long day, long night.
Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Friday, July 23, 2010

So It Fell Down

Worse than studying for the MCAT, is falling short because your hand cramps up from taking notes. It feels like I should be doing those silly ass hand exercises they make you do in your 7th and 8th grade computer learning class. 1, 2, 3, 4... repeat....

And cue the cramp....

Stupid muscles. I figured from all of my blogging, writing, notes taking, and novel productions that I wouldn't have these 13 and 14 year old computer nerd issues. :/

Apparently there are muscles I didn't know about

Oh well,
Get some sleep,
Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's in the Book; I tell you!

Mcat studying is a bitch, let me tell you! This isn't for sissies!

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak UP

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I found out the hard way that to use the text service you have 160 characters to say everything you need to. It's a pain if ever there was one.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up
I hate when you watch a tv show and all you do is get pissed off at some whiny behavior or annoying character. Watching episodes of hell's kitchen, the most recent to be exact. Shut the hell up and stop whining about each other and just cook. This isn't make friends day. So hush up. Dang

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

DAMN I win!!!

So, When you want to have the perfect school schedule and you get screwed over it ruins your day or week or whatever...

Then you hunt at 11pm and find that someone cancelled their spot in the course that you wanted from the beginning.

You jump on it! Hells yeah you got it.

So, MY question to you is: why couldn't you have avoided the class in the first place. I understand you wanted it too, and that's perfectly fine. But, Why couldn't we have figured this out sooner, I just about had a heartshattering moment when that class closed on me WHILE I WAS MAKING MY SCHEDULE!!! grr face is about how i felt about that.

Thank you for leaving the class, you are the reason that I might make it into med school with a little extra UMPH!

Have a wonderful freaking day world!!!

Good Night and Stay Strong and Speak Up

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spain you Bastards!

Spain, why do you make me sit on the edge of my seat yelling obscenities at the television as you take ball hogging to a new level? You had multiple opportunities to score a goal and you wasted your time trying to be the game match heroes. Shame on you!

In other news, Paul was correct in his prophetic choice for the Final win. Way to go Paul, you now can be king of Spain, you octopus, you!

And, to celebrities, I don't care about your 'baby news'. I'm sorry but you getting knocked up without a stable relationship or marriage mindedness is just asking for that baby to be fatherless or the other way around. Shore up some sense and get settled and stable so that that child has the best future. You selfish twats.

And, to the others, lay of the freaking alcohol and drugs. Come on you only have one brain, why must you fry it and booze it out to nothing. It doesn't make you look cool and it sure doesn't make you smarter. You look like a neanderthal. I swear!

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I think it's a coincidence that when I post for the second time the damn clock reads almost 2 am. I am destined to only be available at the AM hours.

Makes for an interesting life.

I've been writing like crazy, as I noted in a previous post. I still don't have enough but here's a spoiler:

It includes an affair, a lawyer, and chinese food. SO, it's bound to be worth a little of your time to read.

Germany won their game today. No surprise there, Paul predicted it. So, it was. Paul you haven't let us down yet, and i'm sure that if we all the Spaniards their choice you'll be the knew King of Spain! Wouldn't that be interesting to be taking orders from a freakin' aquatic animal.

I find is deliciously mysterious! haha! Paul don't let us down.

Hope all have a good day. Post comments on subjects you'd like me to comment on.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up

Post #1

So, no original title. This is just an introductory post.

I say it like it is and i talk straight to you. This is my blog of how I view things in the world. I don't care if you don't like my opinion. I'm not here just to make friends. This isn't the playground and I'm not afraid to speak up for myself or others are tell you to get lost.

It may seem harsh but, that is how it is. I also write novels. Which usually end up just being novellas.

I may post some excerpts at a later time. its 5 AM. Bedtime.

Good Night Stay Strong and Speak Up (GNSSSU)